Sacred Directions
Bill Pfeiffer (Sky Otter), author of Wild Earth Wild Soul: https://billpfeiffer.org/
Roya Guayaba with Natasha, including Nature Practice.
Sunray Peace Village, andVenerable Dhyani Ywahoo: https://sunray.org
Jonah Ruh Roberts, Soul Midwife and Medicine woman https://jonahruhroberts.com/
Brighid Murphy, Spiritworks Healing Arts: https://www.brighidmurphy.com/
Tibetan Buddhist
Anam Thubten Rinpoche, Dharmata Foundation: https://www.dharmata.org/
Natural Dharma Fellowship: https://naturaldharma.org/
Sunray Meditation Society: https://sunray.org/programs/buddhist-teachings/
Church of the Covenant, Boston: https://www.cotcbos.org/
Center for Action and Contemplation, with Richard Rohr: https://cac.org/
Still Harbor https://www.stillharbor.org/